2019 was a year of personal change. In April we found our forever property, sold our other house, moved and began setting up our 10-acre homestead. In addition, I accepted a full-time job as a reading specialist at one of the elementary schools that I subbed at a lot. Just as we settled into life in the country we both changed jobs again the first of November which turned things upside down yet again.

With all of the personal changes, writing took a bit of a back seat. I finished and published Murder on Main Street, book 1 in The Comstock Mysteries and finished Pieces of the Past, book 1 in the Journals of Silver Shores paranormal mysteries series. I also wrote a Christmas novel, a Christmas novella, book 5 in The Halfway Point Lodge series, and book 2 in The Comstock Mysteries. Unfortunately, my editor experienced some life changes and was unable to do any editing for me so until I am able to find a new editor I have projects on hold.

A lot of effort was spent on growing my writing platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, newsletter) as well as working on the craft of writing and perfecting my process. These things take a lot of time and go mostly unrecognized but are an extremely important part of the writing business.

I’m happy to say that as the year comes to a close I am filled with excitement for 2020 and everything it has in store.