I’ve talked about this for a few months now and have possibly mentioned here on the blog and in my newsletter. It’s probably time to put some context around what exactly Project Charlie is.

Project Charlie is my journey into writing a middle-grade fantasy series. This particular project is one I’ve wanted to write for at least the last 20 years and never believed that I could do it. At the beginning of 2020, I was struck by the need to finally get started on it.

Charlie (named after one of my grandfather’s nicknames) is a 12-year-old boy who finds himself alone in a world that is losing its color. A mysterious object comes into his possession that leads him to a new magic-filled world where he will be challenged to not only save the new world but save his old world as well.

Project Charlie is being written under my pen name R.R. Woodland. I will be posting updates here until I am further along in the process and have the website and social media accounts up and running.