I think it’s safe to say that Q1 didn’t go the way anyone expected it to. I for one and ready to see it come to a close.

I purposely left my Q1 goals somewhat loose because I wasn’t sure what would happen with the scholarship I applied for in December. The good news is that I was awarded the scholarship that is paying my college tuition allowing me to go to school and get a teaching credential. I started course work March 1st and am happy to say that I’ve completed 1 class and am halfway through 2 other classes. The college has suspended being able to do the proctored exams for a short time so I’m just working my way through the material.

As for writing, I wanted to finish and publish Pieces of the Past, which I’m happy to say…I did! Given the current world circumstances, it was a low key launch. The reviews have been awesome which makes me very eager to get into writing book 2.

I was hoping to finish writing Death in the Desert and Valentine of Vengence and have made progress on them.

What’s next? See my Q2 goals here.