The second quarter of the year starts with a writing challenge called Camp NaNoWriMo. It’s a month long challenge where writers choose a project to focus on and set a goal for the project. It’s a prelude to the November challenge to write 50k words in 30 days.

My goals for Q2 are:

  1. Finish the Christmas novel I started in 2018. I think it will be part of my romance series. So far, no name for the novel but I’m close to figuring out what it is. This is my Camp NaNoWriMo project for April.
  2. Starting in May I’ll be back to working on Hauntings at the Hotel and If You’re Still Single. I would really like to think I could get Hauntings done and start thinking about a mid-summer release.
  3. Revamp the Halfway Point Lodge series. New covers, new recipes, and a few other surprises.

That’s a lot!