A short month with a long list of goals. February turned out to be pretty good. Joe went back to work after being off since mid-November for surgery and I made the major decision to pull myself out of the scholarship program and unenroll from the college program to get a teaching credential. I love being at the school and with the kids but more than that, I love writing.

So, with life getting back to normal around here I was able to spend more time working on my goals.

  1. Final work on Mayhem
    1. Finalize edits Mayhem is now with the editor
    2. Final proof
    3. Cover The cover is done. Watch for the cover reveal!
    4. Marketing

2. Write at least 10k words in Hauntings at the Hotel (Comstock book 3) I didn’t get the whole 10k done but I did manage to get a lot done on it and I think you’re really going to like it.
3. Develop secret project Done! see the announcement on the home page
4. Add at least 5k words to Seeds Didn’t get this one done. I probably won’t get to Seeds until early summer.

I’m happy with what I got done. We had some nice weather so I was able to be outside doing a few things too.